005- How to not be a helicopter mom and not kill your kids

About 4 years ago an article was published that circulated ALL.OVER.FACEBOOK. about how helicopter moms were the downfall of today's society.

Those may not be the exact words... but pretty close. After that, no one wanted to be labeled helicopter.

But then about 4ish months later, a kid made his way in the gorilla cage at the Cincinnati zoo. I saw post after post talking about how it was his mom's fault and she should have been paying closer attention to him.


There is SO much pressure on parents to keep our kids from ever getting hurt while simultaneously giving them the space to explore and learn things for themselves.

It is a fine balancing act.

Today we talk about why kids need a guide for independent play & ways create it. We also talk about parent shame, the blame game, and being support for those around us. Because let's be real... we shouldn't be doing this alone!

Watch or listen below.


Disclaimer: I talk about locking my kids out of the house... it was only the big kids. I don't recommend locking a baby outside. Just don't do it. When you ask the question, could my kid die? Don't do it. If they may scrape their knee... let them go!

Moral of the story- Put the helmet on! But you eventually need to take off the training wheels.

Either way, accidents happen, stop beating yourself (and others!) up when they do.

If you are wanting to cultivate independent play in your own home, but don't know where to start. I highly encourage you to go to parenting junkie. My friend, Avital, is a homeschooling mother of four and a performance coach for parents. She says her kids play for upwards of 6 hours a day! Holy smokes, do you know what I could do with 6 hours a day! She is releasing her present play course & I am so excited to learn all of her tricks. You can click here to learn more.

Let's cut out the shame. Help those mommas just trying to get her groceries. And give our kids the freedom to have the occasional leg break! It is good for them!

All teasing aside, let's create kids who aren't afraid to explore within the guides we help create for them. I believe in us!


Life is a little crazy, and sometimes you feel a little crazy... especially when your kid is eating glass off of the floor... but you are not alone. I get it.

Be Happy and Love each other. -T

Wes Wages