009: Travel Starts with Your Mindset


On today’s episode, Wes & I get to dive into one of our favorite topics… travel! We have shared around 30 countries between us… give or take a few. And we have definitely learned some lessons along the way.

We talk travel take-aways, tips, and share a few of the crazy situations we have found ourselves in. And I’ll be honest, we are just tipping the iceberg on this part.

We go through how to travel on a budget, and what to do if you are in a one sided travel loving relationship.

It is a fun episode for sure.


Watch or listen below.


You can support us by leaving a review using this link. This helps get the word out and genuinely makes our hearts so happy. And always, feel free to share with your favorite friends. If you would like to connect with me, you can find me on instagram!

Great travel resources:

We have traveled FOR FREE to amazing places like Norway & Paris. And I just looked at our current points… holy, moly, the virus needs to end because I have enough for our entire family to go somewhere amazing. The chase sapphire is one of the (if not THE) best on the market. Click the link to sign up for up to 60,000 points just by joining & yes, this is an affiliate link so, yes, it does help me out. But in the long run… you are the one going places ;)

If you are ready to get serious about travel hacking, Kara & Nate are pros. They have created a course to teach everything they know to get you started & where you want to go in class.

And they are genuinely great people worth supporting, so that is always nice too.


Life is a little crazy, and sometimes you feel a little crazy... especially when you are ready to pack your bags and leave today but a virus is holding you back... you are not alone. I get it.

Be Happy and Love each other. -T

Wes Wages