001- How to Overcome Fear in the Daily Moments

Welcome to my first episode of I Get it! This weeks episode couldn't have come at a better time... with the world feeling like it is ending and all. So, I am sharing my tips of how I overcome fear so I am not paralyzed by the "what if".

Click below to watch or listen.


First, I recognize that fear isn't necessarily a bad thing. Fear is what keeps us safe. It is what keeps us from running out in front of a busy street, or from jumping off the top of a high cliff when we can't see what is below. The purpose of fear is to keep us from harm.

The problem with fear is we sometimes allow it to paralyze us from achieving things we want. Or we let it keep us from experiencing joy because we are waiting on something bad to happen. We don't reach our full potential in life or marriage because we are afraid.... of rejection, of what society will say, of something that is unlikely to happen, we aren't good enough.

I have 5 tools that help me depending on what type of fear I am battling:

1. Balance Fear with Joy.

Brene Brown says the opposite of fear is gratitude. When a bad thought creeps in, instead of letting it run my mind crazy, I think about what is good right now.

For example: I am afraid of what the corona virus will do to my family, and my business. This thought is enough to keep me from getting out of bed. It paralyzes me. So, I repeat to myself.... Today I have a home. My family is healthy. We have a job. Today we are ok.

I live in THIS moment. I don't jump to the next.

This is a moment to moment process.

2. Say it outloud.

Sometimes hearing them helps me make them more tangible. I am able to work through them. I am able to decide if they are an actual fear or something I can work through. Sometimes when I say them out loud, the become smaller. I am able to conquer them.

3. Surround myself with people who lift me up.

One of the most powerful things I do is surround myself with people who lift me up and encourage me to push myself. These people speak life to me. They can either help give me the advice I need, or they can literally hold my hand to move past what I am going through. These friends are priceless.

4. Create actionable Steps.

Another tip is to turn fears into actionable steps. By breaking it down and trying small things, a little at a time the fear isn't SO big. Instead of thinking of this podcast as this huge undertaking, I think of step 1. Create an outline of what I want to say. 2. plug in the microphone. 3. Read what i have written... etc. Breaking things down make them attainable.

5. Try new things

Lastly, I push myself to try new things. By slowly becoming acquainted with what scares me, I can become more use to doing it. Pushing this first podcast out is TERRIFYING but the more I do it, the less scary it will become.

Bottom line- sitting in your fear will make you more fearful. Taking small actions can help you cope, overcome, and feel empowered.

My friend, Michelle Poler, did 100 days of conquering fears. She is now a speaker who helps people live with with the mantra “What is the Best that can Happen?” in helping them overcome their fears and live to their fullest potential. Click here to see more videos from her 100 days without fear project.


These two authors are the fear experts & have amazing books on the topic!



Life is a little crazy, and there are days you feel a little crazy... but you aren't alone... I get it.

Be Happy and Love each other. -T

Wes Wages